Kinesiology is perhaps best known for food intolerance testing, but it can also be amazing for mental health and psychological issues - and that’s actually how I came across it by chance 13 years ago, when I was under a lot of stress.

Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter once wisely said: 'Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light'.
I was lucky to find Kinesiology, my ‘light switch’, straight away which made a huge difference. Today I’m actually grateful for that period of not feeling right, as it opened my eyes to a therapy form that I had never come across before. This in turn led me to a complete career change where I’m now spending my days with the rewarding task of helping others feel better, may it be emotionally, physically or a combination thereof!
The work I do helping clients who are suffering from all kinds of emotional stress, including trauma and PTSD, is one of the most rewarding parts of my work, and the results you can get never cease to amaze me.
So how does it work?
Every time you have a stressful thought or memory, there will be a physical reaction in your body. In fact that's what makes it stressful. If you had no reaction to the thought or memory, but remained completely neutral, it wouldn't be perceived as a negative thought or emotion! And this is exactly what we try to achieve through the various techniques I practice when it comes to trauma release and working with complex PTSD, anxiety or phobias.
By addressing the thought, we trigger a reaction in your nervous system that we can then resolve. And by then breaking the link between the thought and your physical reaction to that thought, we detach the problem so that it feels more distant. This does not mean that you can't remember the thought anymore, but just that there is no emotional charge when thinking about it, which was what caused the sense of unease in the first place.
What happens is that when you think about something stressful or think of a memory that causes you emotional stress, manifesting in sensations in your body, your nervous system goes into a sympathetic stress response. The treatments I do gently push your body into a relaxed parasympathetic state, still being linked with the initial stress response you had to the thought or memory, which means that you have then linked the thought to a relaxed response rather than a stress response. Clients normally feel a sense of lightness, finding it hard to focus on the negative emotion as it's more blurry, almost like there is a distance to it or a detachment. The thought becomes more neutral to them (even though it's still a thought or memory about something that was at the time very stressful to them).
'My treatment focuses on the release of any tension and negative reaction happening in your body as a result of thinking a thought or remembering a trauma.'

Peeling back the emotional layers
Generally, emotional work can be like peeling an onion, with new layers showing once you've treated a prior one. However, I find that the great thing about kinesiology is that we can muscle test (see picture) and ask your body where to start and where to go next, which isn't always necessarily in the order you would have thought to treat the issue. As such you can sometimes jump between different times of your life, treating something that happened when you were 7 years old, and then something you felt last week, only to then go back again to something earlier in life. Kinesiology guides you through the healing journey.
Normally when finding specific events (through muscle testing) to work on, it doesn't necessarily have to be the logical thing you would have thought should come up, but it can be a seemingly (in persepctive) non-traumatic incident at work, or for example when you took swimming lessons as a child. What tends to be the case though, is that there is something linking these events, triggering a similar vibration and stress response in your body, so that when you address or treat that event, a number of other issues get dealt with at the same time.
'In a certain way, you reeducate your reflexive response to a memory or thought, so that in the future your body stays calm and unaffected when the thought arises.'

In my sessions I use a few different non-invasive techniques, depending on what your body responds best to. These include:
NEP (Neuroenergetic Psychology)
Craniosacral therapy
Solar plexus treatment for emotional trauma
Gentle acupressure and tapping techniques
Affirmations and visualisations
"After each set of treatments I had moved forward, released part of the trauma and moved on to the next layer. I left feeling lighter and with a sense of clarity and hope." - from a client who was suffering from PTSD.
What my kinesiology treatments aim to do:
RELEASE negative physical reactions (associations) to thoughts and memories
REWIRE your emotional programming so that your nervous system doesn't link a thought or memory with physical stress, but instead associates it with a calm and detached response.
RESET your emotional balance and harmony.
Every emotion you have lives somewhere in your body. By treating your emotions through kinesiology, we can release stress, anxiety, phobias, physical pain and other imbalances that were caused by that emotion.

To be able to witness how deep rooted, long term emotional pain and trauma in the body can be resolved in a few sessions is truly magical. However, everybody is different and there are generally many layers to a trauma, so that you move on to address different layers throughout the treatments. How long it takes to heal therefore varies from person to person, but I always create a safe place where clients can move through things at their own pace. I also make sure my clients are in a good place before leaving and that anything we have triggered in the session has been balanced. Depending on the emotional issue I may also suggest homework (or as one of my clients calls it: 'home fun') so that you have tools to help you in between sessions.
I've also found that nutrition and diet is very important for anybody suffering from mental health issues as your gut and brain are so interlinked. A drop in blood sugar levels and poor diet can in themselves trigger anxiety and stress responses in your body. We can therefore identify and remove any 'stressors' from your diet, and if required boost your system with supplements.

Kinesiology can work wonders on specific traumas, as well as on general mental health issues or just a feeling that 'something isn't quite right'.
Please get in touch with me here if you have any questions, or would like to book a session. With my 10+ years experience in treating emotional stress, you're in safe hands!
I'd love to hear from you!